
Smoking Tobacco with a Hookah

By Hookah Joe

Hookahs are commonly used devices to smoke flavorful tobacco. A hookah features a water basin that cleans the smoke before inhalation. The source of hookahs is in the Middle East, where one can still get the best quality hookahs in the world. Hookahs are built in a straightforward method with simple components.


In the diagram you can see the principal parts of a hookah. Basically, smoke generated from the burning tobacco is passed down via the body, the end of which is submerged in the water jar. The smokes comes out of the bottom of the body and is purified by the water and stored in air chamber over the water. One more positive side effect of the smoke going from the water is that it is cooled down to a temperature much more comfortable for the lungs. At the top left section of the water jar in this picture is the hose. The size of the hose is normally more than a meter. When the smoker puffs on the hose, the purified smoke exits the air chamber and is inhaled by the smoker through the hose. The end result is a very satisfying, aromatic, thick, and clean smoke exhaled by the smoker. Hookahs are typically smoked in a social, group setting where smokers can enjoy each others' company.

What Do You Inhale from a Hookah?

Traditionally hookahs are used to smoked shisha, which is flavored tobacco.

Generally shishas have a base of fruit flavor such as Apple, Mango or Peach. However, nowadays many of the popular manufacturers are testing with off-shoots of these fruity flavors, such as Peaches 'n Cream, or Banana Split.

These days, there is a variety of shisha flavors out there. Any ingredient can be mixed in dried tobacco in the production to create unique flavors.

The Original Source of Hookahs

The word "hookah" is derived from the Indian "huqqa", a word that originated around the 1500's when the hookah was first designed by a Persian physician, Abul-Fath Gilani. After growing occupied with the health risks of smoking, he produced a system whereby he passed the smoke with a water basin in order to 'purify' it. But, it is conflicted, because some people say that hookah already existed in areas of Persia before Abul-Fath Gilani made it. Once it gained popularity in Indian it spread throughout Pakistan and Turkey. Hookah acquired popularity throughout the Middle East after reaching Turkey. As it spread through Middle East, it started to become popular in parts of northern Africa. Nowadays, it is being used in nearly every country of the globe.

As the hookah reached different countries, it gathered various names.

Nargile (also pronounced Argilee) - Mainly used in Mediterranean countries.

Narguile - used in Spain

Lula (or lulava) - used in Albania, Bosnia, Herzegovina

Sheesha - used in northern African and Arab nations

Qalyan - used in Iran

Karim Khan - used in Russia, Belarus

Chillim - used in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan

Huqqa - used in India and Pakistan

Gudugudaa - used in Maldives

Marra Pipe - used in the UK

I Wish To Buy a Hookah, Where Should I Go?

You can go to a shop in-person to get a hookah or you can buy one on the Internet. Owing to the popularity of hookah, hookah shops and hookah bars have grown in the U.S. You can easily find a hookah shop near you if you reside in a populated urban area in the U.S. In the Mediterranean countries and the Persian Gulf, hookahs have become a part of everyday life of individuals. But, this isn't the case in the U.S.

If you do not want to wander around in search of a hookah, then you a buy one on the Internet from a number of shops online that provide top quality hookahs and shishas

What Are The Health Risks Connected with Smoking Hookah?

There is a lot of debate about whether smoking hookah is less hazardous than cigarette or not. Inhaling any type of smoke is harmful for lungs but the people in favor of hookah point out that the smoke is cleaner and as compared to the smoke of a cigarette. On the other hand, the people against hookah mention that it has all of the harmful and cancer causing chemicals found in cigarettes. Another factor is that a hookah session can last as long as 1 hour and sometimes even longer while a cigarette goes for only 3-4 minutes. Then again hookah appears to be less addictive when compared with cigarettes.

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